YCGL - December 20-26, 2024 - Portland, OR - Homes Away From Home

"There are places I remember, Though some have changed." We have lots of homes, many physical, many mental. Being at Liz's, like being at Erik's, certainly is a home for me. I feel comfortable here, and there, as if it were my home in Laramie. And its nice being here. Getting here was not without its moments. Actually, everything went fine on Friday morning. I checked the parking situation on the Denver airport website to make sure that there were no problems with Christmas parking and everything was fine. I woke up with the alarm. I was 95% packed and ready to go. Got the last 5% into the bag and was off and driving right on time. Roads were clear and really surprising empty in my direction, great guns until I got to the parking lot at the Denver airport. The Pike's Peak lot was closed. It referred to a new lot that I had never heard of and was not mentioned in the DIA parking website. Signs point...