YCGL - January 2, 2024 - A Mouth Full of Miracles!!!

This picture has nothing to do with the following story, I just didn't want the big blowup picture to be the one at the bottom. You'll understand why at the end. But it does kind of represent the way I felt when I found out it would work, This isn't about travel, but I'm so happy about it that I want people to know, and maybe learn something about Falsies, ughhhh, false teeth. I think my story starts about three years ago, but it may have been two years or four, I really don't remember, which is probably a good thing. In January of 202X, I had two teeth pulled and get prepared to have an implant put in. One tooth did fine, and I got a lower left incisor in April or May. However, the upper left second molar didn't set well, it slipped when the oral surgeon put a torque on the implant, so it was May or June before I got that procedure completed. Overall, I've been pretty pleased with my new teeth. Untillll..... The afternoon of the 30t...