YCGL - Saturday, November 26, 2022 - Laramie Got a New Swimming Pool!

Big News!  Laramie got a new pool.  Of course, it's a little outside of town, about 1806 miles, and it's salt water, I guess so it can be a lower temperature before it freezes.  But, here I am, at Laramie South, also known as known as Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico!  

I bet you think there is a back story to me being in Cozumel, just like in the old days, in the 1980s and 90s when we came here once or twice a year.  So, here goes...

On Thursday, I talked about being invited to Steve's for Thanksgiving.  About as I walked in the front door, Steve asked if I wanted to go to Cozumel.  Well, yes, but what are you talking about.  Steve and Arthur were flying down to Cozumel for a week and were staying at the El Presidente and going scuba diving for three of those days.  His room was right on the beach, looking out into the sunset.  He worked on persuading me for about 10-15 minutes, I checked my calendar, and it was clear for the next week.  And then said that I could stop in Houston and see the family there.  That clinched it.  After a flurry of activity, we had a flight from Denver to Cozumel and stay a week, Cozumel to Houston to stay a week, and Houston to Denver.  

So....I stayed in Denver Thursday night, saw a couple of exhibits at the Denver Art Museum, drove to a dive shop in Fort Collins, picked up a new swimming suit, and met Juhl and Lisa at a Himalayan restaurant close to their house.   We had a wonderful dinner and then went back to their house for Juhl's apple pie and homemade ice cream and to see some of the projects they have going on.  And then up to Laramie to start packing and get some things arranged.  

(The back story to the back story goes back to the spring of 1983, when I got my Open Water Dive certificate in Laramie in May.  We went down to Cancun for spring break where I did my first unofficial dives. We came down to Cozumel during spring break, 1984.  Sally and I raved about it to the Wojahn's and Jere and Steve decided that it would be a good place for a honeymoon. Steve had his open water certificate and decided that he needed a dive buddy he could trust, and they invited us to go along with their honeymoon. We stayed at the El Presidente resort which many consider to be the nicest place in Cozumel.  I think it still is!)
Lot's more to tell, but it's late here and I'm exhausted.  I'll download some more pictures and talk about them in a day or so.  And talk about the Denver Art Museum.  So much to do.....

Steve showing off his suspenders!

Our room.  Could use some more glass, I'm sure.

Sadly, you can barely see by black compression knee-high socks.
That should bring back memories for Erik and Liz.

Pink Skies and Cruise Ships

Then we went down town to eat at Cafe Dennis, probably the oldest restaurant in town, established in 1945.

Some "native" dancers performed right in front of us on the street.  
I'm pretty sure the girls were wearing some traditional clothing...somewhere.

There was a dress shop across the street and one of the dresses caught my attention.

The dress in front reminded me of the Egyptian "bead-net" dress at the Boston Museum of Fine Art Museum.  

It's Saturday night and there was a band playing in the central square downtown.  You should be able to click on the video.

More tomorrow, I promise.


  1. Have fun diving with the guys! I remember that honeymoon, since I was there (Jere here) and it was June 1984, just to clarify your timeline. He date may stick in my memory as significant a bit more than yours, understandably.

    1. Heck, now I'm going to have to rewrite this entire section.....Thanks Jere! :)

  2. Looks like lots of fun!


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