YCGL- Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - Big City Lights (Kind of)

When I got in the trailer Monday night, I saw that the tray I keep in the sink was full of water, which it wasn't when I got out to go into Ralph's. I quickly shut off the faucet, but I don't remember seeing a trickle of water. The water pump was on, so there was positive flow, but I don't know how much. Sadly, the tank gauges RV's have only indicate the 1/3 levels, and since I had filled up with water in Laramie before I left, I knew I was in the lower 1/3 of the tank, but I don't know how close to the bottom I was. And since I wouldn't be close to water until St. Cloud on Wednesday, I decided to add water to the fresh water tank. (I had dumped the gray and black tanks on Thursday, so I knew they wouldn't be a problem.) So I hooked up the hoses at Ralph's and added a third, more than enough to get to St. Cloud. But that put me 15 minutes later than I wanted to leave. I had set up to meet my cousin Sylvia Viken in Rochester at ...