YCGL - Thursday, June 13, 2024 - Day 1 - I Made It

 Hi There!

This is going to be short and sweet?  Joe picked me up at 9:15 and everything went very smoothly checking in and going through the TSA's Tunnel of Doom.  Except a buzzer went off  and I was told that there was nothing wrong, just that I'd been selected for a phone and computer swipe test.  (That's Me, I'm a Winner!  I couldn't have been happier than if a telemarketer caught me on the telephone.)  I passed both swabs.   The  plane arrived on time and took off on-time as well.  While it took a somehow little effort, it or moed .effort, became midnight and I'm going back to sleep.  Good night!

???  Well, that was interesting.....  A section must have gotten erased when I hit update.  

I was able to get a little lunch before my flight to Houston, which went well.  Pete, Carol and Andy were waiting for me at the arrival entrance and we drove over to our favorite Cajon restaurant.  Got to the house and watched a movie, and I went to bed, as above.  Good first leg of the trip.  Hope the rest goes as well. 
