YCGL - March 2, 2025 - Hurry Up, I've got to Slow Down
Uff, my second day here, I've got to slow down. Which I did do. We start diving tomorrow.
I set the alarm for 7:30 because everyone in the group is an early riser. I did my morning measurements, and everything looked really good. (My blood sugar was 107, my weight was 195.6 lbs (8 lbs less than two weeks ago and the lowest in about 6 months, my blood pressure was 117/64.) Not bad for an old guy.
Walking through the breakfast buffet was a breathe of old air, scented with many years of having breakfasts here before diving. And still serving about 8 different style of pork and ham, lots of Mexican food (that is real Yucatán Mexican, not Tex-Mex), omelets and scrambled eggs mixed with up to 10 add-ons (like mushrooms, bacon, chilies, cheese, and tomatoes, just the way I like them.) Of course, some melon slices and a banana. I didn't have any cereal this morning, to be honest, I was full enough. And I even had a cup of coffee. For some reason, it really tastes good here.
When people started to split up to do their things, I walked out onto the beach in front of the room and stretched out on a beach recliner, put on a Handel oratorio which I've never heard before, Theodora, on SiriusXM through my hearing aids, and closed my eyes, and let my back relax. Steve sat down for a while and then went snorkeling right in front. About 10:00, I went inside, put on some bug repellant (for mosquitos or gnats or something entirely invisible, or something imaginary that has been biting me) and some sun screen, for the sunrays that have been biting me. And picked up a book that Steve had brought on the Myers-Briggs, which I read about two pages of on the INFP, and then went to sleep for a bit. Then, when I noticed by legs getting a little red, I went inside and repeated the process, finally lying down on the bed and getting some shut-eye. When the maids knocked on the door, I told them to come in and work around me. Oh yeah, throw a rum and coke in there somewhere.
A sentinel by the beach. Steve found he was a Frigate bird.
At 2:00, Steve woke me and said that Jeremy was on his way over to meet us. Jeremy owns the dive company Living Underwater who Steve has been diving with for many years. I met Jeremy when I came with Steve and Arthur right after Thanksgiving 2022. We talked about dive sites, previous dives and where to go during the week. We also talked about the dive computer I bought and the difficulty I've had connecting the tank pressure transmitter to the computer. There's not much he can do about it. We'll meet Pepe and Ricardo tomorrow at 8:45 at the dock 100 feet away.
Later, I met up with Claudia and Ralph on the beach, and then Patty and Steve showed up. We learned how Claudia and Ralph met up and married in 3-1/2 months. Sometimes Ralph got a word in also. We talked until almost 4:45 and I wanted to go hit the treadmills in the hotel's gym. On the way, I stopped and made a reservation for a massage on Tuesday at 4:00. The first treadmill I got on was only in Spanish and I wanted to hook it up with my Kinomap program. Kinomap said that TechnoGym treadmills should hook up, but after almost 15 minutes, I couldn't get it to work. I switched to another model of treadmill and I couldn't hook it up either. So, I read through the options on the screen, selected 25 minutes at 2.8 mph through a forest somewhere. But by this time, I was getting close to the time I had to leave so only got in 20 minutes. I'll get more tomorrow.
Showered, dressed and met Steve, Ralph and Patty in the lobby. Claudia opted to stay in the room. The noise and the people at Carnaval last night really got to her, and she wanted some time out. We got a taxi and drove into town to go to Guido's, a Swiss/Italian restaurant which is one of the nicest in Cozumel. I ordered a shrimp scampi appetizer, and I had a green salad, scallops with risotto, and creme brulee for desert. In fact, we shared our deserts. They were that good.
Again, we walked along the water front and watched the parade. I young girl, maybe 11 or 12, ran over from her group dancing behind one of the floats and gave me neckless. And another younger girl gave me a DumDum. They were so cute in their "traditional" dancing outfits. :)
My Friend with the DumDums. The girls dancing behind a very loud float.
OK, An earlier night tonight. Diving tomorrow!!!!!!
YCGL - March 3, 2025 - Scuba Diving - Downs and Ups - Updated
YCGL - March 1, 2025 - Back Home Again in Cozumel
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