YCGL - Minnesota - Day 19 - Thursday , May 5 - Detroit Lakes - 178 miles

 Happy Cinco de Mayo!  

The weather for the last two days have been what I've been hoping for the last two weeks.  Highs in the mid 60s and lows in the mid 40s.  Wind was down to a reasonable level and driving has been all about the road and traffic and not the weather.  This is fun!

And what a great day!  I had a chance to visit with two of my Windom classmates that I have been in contact with over the past couple of months.  Both have lost spouses recently and we've been able to support each other through it.

Kathy was head of oncology nursing at a regional hospital in central Minnesota.  Wayne was a contractor and they both dairy farmed.  Sadly, they had a son who died of pancreatic cancer in 2017 and Wayne died of a heart attack in 2019.  I called Kathy several times during Sally's illness and she was a wealth of information that we used to help Sally feel more comfortable and help during the last weeks.  

We talked about the house and all the additions and remodels that she and Wayne did over the years.  It is a beautiful, multi-textured home with a lot of wood and two stone fireplaces that they built.  Their living room has a cozy sunken area where they used to have coffee and devotionals in the mornings.  I didn't realize the plaque behind her shoulder was there, but it well defines her, Faith, Family and Farm.  We spent three hours together and it felt like one.  Thanks Kathy.  

I next drove to Fergus Falls and saw another classmate.  After his service n Korea, Al and his first wife moved to Fergus Falls where he was a  police lieutenant eventually becoming chief detective for the department.  He lost his first wife to brain and breast cancer after 37 years, and his second wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in September and she died in January.  We've written and talked several times since Barb died, with the obvious pancreatic connection.  He has a wonderful sense of humor and as a policeman, a ton of great stories.  We both agree that we've had great professions where we could help people change their lives.  I've always felt a strong connection with Al, even though we only see each other at our Windom reunions.  (Dang it, that's why they are so important!  And why Sally and I volunteered to work on them.)

Another good day, six hours with friends versus only four hours of driving, beautiful weather and after a few morning glitches, no problems!  Good days!!!

I got to the campground at 8:00 and the owners were still there.  It is a beautiful property with a lot of space between the sites.  It is very well maintained and has good strong WiFi, easily the best so far.  Its the Country Campground in Detroit Lakes, MN.  
