Happy Mother's Day to All of you of the female persuasion. 
It's the first time Sally hasn't gotten a card and/or flowers from me in 40 years (at least I like to think so, since Erik was born), and the second time my mom hasn't received something from us for years before that. Mom lived to be 101-1/2 and was (almost) always positive and loved to talk to people, even when it was difficult for her to talk.

Grandma, mom and siblings. Agnes Viken Ostgarden, George Viken, Rosa Eline Morvig Viken, Albert Viken, Otis Viken, Orpha Anna Sylvia Viken Edgar. Looking at mom and Otis, the photo was probably taken in 1958-1960. Missing sisters Dora and Olga. Grandpa Otto Joel Viken died in 1943.
I don't have a picture on this computer right now of dad's mother. The one I'm thinking of was probably taken in 1964 or 65. It is of Grandma Thea Emelia Bungum Edgar Kyllo playing the piano, my dad Sanford Palmer Edgar playing the fiddle and dad's brother Maurice Alfred Edgar playing banjo in the living room of her old house, dad fiddling and grandma and Maurice chording.
I remembered a picture in mom's scrapbook. My dad, step-sisters Nordis and Ruth, brother Maurice, mother Thea, her second husband Richard Kyllo. In the front are Ralph and Raymond (the two uncles I visited in Hayfield) and step-brother Philip. My grandfather, Oscar Edgar, died in 1927. Thea married Richard in 1932. The picture was taken in 1937.
Mom's 90th Birthday. Totally non-retouched photo.
To quote Mark Antony, "If you have tears, prepare to shed them now." Apple Photos created this on Sally's birthday. I couldn't share it then, I hope you enjoy it now.
Bob and I had planned to go to East Grand Forks to visit cousin Grace. Grace had a stroke at the end of February and her son David died two weeks ago. Someone at the funeral had Covid and all of David's wife's family got it. That meant Grace was exposed also, and even though she felt fine, it could be possible that she could have it also and even though Bob and I had our first booster, we didn't have our second. We decided to drive to the next town over and visit WallyWorld for our second booster and some groceries. We got to the pharmacy at 4:24 and were informed that they couldn't give us shots in time before they closed. Shoot. That evening, Bob, Joel and I fought the water and Bob and I got about an hour of genealogy in (i.e., barely scratching the surface). The flow of water slowed down during the day to about a vacuuming every one and a half to two hours. I again took night shift.
Sunday, Mother's Day. Bob and I went to church at Concordia Lutheran, the town church the next block over from his house. He is actually a member of Little Norway Lutheran Church out northeast of Fertile. The church is located on land given by my great grandfather, Askeld Morvig, and his brother, Andreas. Three things stuck out. The pastor has a beautiful strong singing voice. The children's choir had maybe 40-45 children in it. Huge. While the pastor was talking about Mother's day, he mentioned that he remembered his mother and two other women, probably three sisters, singing a song over him at America Lutheran Church in Windom, MN. That was the church I attended last Sunday when I sat with Romelle, 300 miles away.
Joel came over and we all drove over to the next town east, Winger, and had dinner. I had BBQ ribs. (I don't think anyone beats my ribs, but I am always curious. They weren't bad, but I should have had the Walleye like Joel. It looked delicious.) We got back to Fertile and all took naps. While we battled the flood waters, Bob and I took some genealogy time. I worked on his computer and got some things straightened out. Now he can email again and copy and paste pictures again. We looked at pictures and read documents until 1:00 when I sent him off to bed and I left the bailing in the basement to Joel. I slept in the motorhome that night, and it sounds good now. Good night.
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