YCGL - Cody Days - Sunday, Sept 11, 2022

I decided to go to church this morning. Interestingly, but not surprising, it was Trinity Lutheran Church. (I remember reading years ago that Trinity was the most common name for Lutheran Churches.)   The liturgy was very different than our standard liturgy, it seemed more folk based. I also liked the pastor.  She spoke very clearly and sang well.  She also had a good message.  For a small congregation, they seemed to be very active.  I was impressed.

I wanted to eat some Chinese food for lunch.  When I got to the Yelp top rated restaurant, they closed for Sundays for the rest of the season, that day.  The second rated Chinese place was also closed on Sunday.  So I had BBQ instead.  I don't know why I do that to myself.  In deepest humility, no place makes better BBQ than I do.  I fix Texas BBQ, which is a dry rub or shake as opposed to a wetter Kansas City style.  KC always seems sticky and sweet to me.  Its also usually over cooked.  But you get what you pay for.  I ordered a larger combination from which I got two dinners and a lunch.  (This remiI couldn't compain about the serving sizes.  nds me of a Woody Allen movie where two older women are talking to each other at a restaurant.  One says"the food here is terrible."  They other says, "Yes, and such small portions."

I wanted to go to the museums afterward, but didn't want the food in the car that long, so I started driving back to the campground.  As I passed the Cody Visitor Center, I decided to pop in and get some literature about Yellowstone.  And they had the neatest domes in their picnic ground.  

They are called Hypedomes.com.  I thought they would be perfect for the backyard.  They would extend both Fall and Spring seasons.  Until I saw the price.  The small one like above is $2999.  Good idea, poor implementation.....

I called my friends Pete and Lynn Simpson and we agreed to have breakfast tomorrow morning.  

After I dropped off the food at the trailer, I went back to the Buffalo Bill Center of the West.  It is comprised of five museums.  They are:

The Whitney Museum of Western Art,
The Buffalo Bill/William Cody Museum
The Museum of the Plains Indians
The Remington Arms Museum
The Draper Museum of Natural History

/These aren't just local museums.  The center was founded in 1917 by William Vanderbilt Whitney, the same Whitney Museum in New York.  Each of these is unique and world class.  I got there at 2:30 and stayed until closing a 6:00.  And most of it was spent in the Whitney!.  I had to spent some time with Bill Cody first.  
Unfortunately, the sound isn't good, it needs to be turned up more.  But you at least get the flavor of the display.  

The museum is incredible.  They have drawings from the earliest fur traders to contemporary art.  George Catlin, Thomas Moran, Alfred Miller, Charlie Russel, they are all represented (well) here.  And lots of Frederic Remington.  They even have most of his studio in the back.  It is a must see.  I couldn't think of going to Cody without visiting the museum.  (And this is only 1/5th of the total museum.)  
